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Arthroplasty(Joint Replacement)


Joint replacements are commonly done for hip and knee. The purpose of joint replacement is to provide pain free joints and active movements giving a quality life to people suffering from joint pain and destruction.

Hip Replacement

Hip joint is a ball and socket joint. They are replaced with a plastic cup and metal ball. The patient has to modify his life style a little bit following the procedure. But he will be able to enjoy all his regular modern life style requirements including driving.

Knee replacement

Knee joint replacements are more common than hip replacements because knee is more commonly and extensively involved by age related joint destruction called Osteoarthritis.Patients undergoing knee replacements can perform all required day to day activities because of many innovations in the component of the alloy used and improvements in designing

After undergoing joint replacements, people should promptly take antibiotics for any fever and infection. It is because the infecting bacteria may sometimes spread to the replaced joints leading to loosening, infection of the bone (Osteomyelitis) which results in failure of the prosthesis.